
While no one looks forward to a divorce, it’s important to seek counsel before proceedings are underway to ensure your legal rights are protected. Regardless of the reasons behind the divorce, proceedings are often emotionally charged, making it difficult for the involved parties to effectively advocate for themselves.

Our experienced divorce attorneys in Erie PA negotiate on your behalf and guide you through the process to obtain a fair resolution to this sensitive and complex matter. Divorces are generally categorized as either contested or uncontested depending on the circumstances preceding the end of the marriage. An uncontested divorce is usually faster and cheaper, saving valuable resources that could be used to prepare for the future. Contested divorces are more complex, requiring more money in the long run, and could even last for years.

Even if you don’t foresee a contentious legal dispute, professional counsel is a valuable asset when proceeding with your filing and handling issues of child support, custody, property division, and other details that must be seen to when dissolving your legal union. We know how difficult the divorce process can be and do everything in our power to ease your transition. If you’re facing a divorce in Erie PA, contact our experienced attorneys at 814-347-5724 to get started with us.